William Lin, owner of Taiwan firm Quinella, an established supplier of high-quality petroleum related components and instrumentation, has assumed ownership and management of SYMEX Technologies worldwide operations. Lin, headquartered in Taiwan, has successfully represented SYMEX Technologies in Taiwan for over ten years. Mr. Lin and his staff are considered experts in petroleum and petrochemical industry, specializing in product transfer, SPM buoys, oil spill detection and response, and in the specialty field of hydrocarbon vapor emissions control systems. Mr. Lin and his staff are professionals, fully qualified to guide SYMEX Technologies well into the future.


Leading Mr. Lin’s commercial staff for SYMEX Technologies is Greg Tseng. Mr. Tseng started his working career aa sales engineer in the steel and aluminum smelting and casting industry and quickly built his reputation for matching client needs with commercial solutions. Mr. Tseng joined Mr. Lin’s SYMEX Technologies team in 2016, and was instrumental in the commissioning and start-up of their largest SYMEX Technologies DRYVac™ Vapor Recovery System.